All of Your Databases,
One Platform

Easily manage your databases across multiple public clouds. Whatever your use case or industry, you can count on ScaleGrid’s powerful platform and database expertise.


The Database Management Tool for DBAs

Empower your database administrators to automate daily maintenance tasks so they can focus on improving the health of your deployments.

Improve Your Deployment Performance

Industrialize your database management with our best practices to deploy your nodes and clusters, load balancers, and rapid provisioning tools on-premises.

Access Advanced Management Tools

Empower your team with advanced management tools that automate daily tasks across polyglot databases, backups, patches, and tuning with improved visibility.

Scale On-Demand

Leverage on-demand scalability to handle expansions, unscheduled loads, new hardware requests, and business demands with minimum hassle and agility.

Monitor Database Usage & Growth

Access ScaleGrid’s advanced Monitoring Console to track your usage, capacity, and consumption, along with data visualization tools for granular and high-level analysis.

Improve Your Security

Protect your data with bulletproof fencing and industry-leading security protocols to prevent security breaches and manage your clusters across multiple datacenters.

Optimize IT Consumption & TCO

Pay only for the capacity you need, free up your server space and DBA’s time, and avoid expensive CapEx purchases to lower your Total Cost of Ownership.

Where Can You Deploy ScaleGrid?

VMware vCenter

Deploy on your vCenter Server centralized management utility.


Deploy on your free open standard cloud computing platform.

Seamless Fit for Your Infrastructure


VMware integrations, bare metal integrations and docker integrations for your on-premises environment


Hybrid Deployments, On-Premises/Private Cloud, Public Cloud, MySQL™, PostgreSQL®, Redis®, MongoDB®


Enterprise support packages, installation & training, documentation, HIPAA & PCI compliance
Recent benchmarks show companies using ScaleGrid’s Platform have achieved up to 50% in performance gains versus cloud providers’ own managed DBaaS offerings.

“The fact that we can install ScaleGrid on instances that run in our own AWS account and have SSH access to them if we want, is the main reason that we chose ScaleGrid over Atlas. Every time we have a question, ScaleGrid is there and answers quickly.”

James Price

Co-Founder, CodeStream


Technical Expertise, Delivered

Give your team the tools they need to maximize the performance of your deployments. Our self-service management platform reduces your daily management time by half so you can keep your team proactive instead of getting bogged down with maintenance operations. And we’re here 24/7 with the database expertise you need, any time you need it.

Scheduled Backups

Protect your databases with scheduled backups, or anytime on-demand and easily restore in one click.

Index Management

Check out your existing indexes, remove, modify, and monitor your indexes with advanced index management tools.


Configure disk encryption to encrypt your data at rest and protect your stored data against potential attacks.

OS Patching

Get monthly security-related OS patches installed, or perform anytime on demand.

High Availability

Get high availability with cross-datacenter configurations and custom replica sets.

One-Click Restores

Restore your backups in a single click, and search or restore small sections of your backups.


Achieve Peak Performance

Stay on top of the performance of all of your databases and clusters with proactive monitoring and reports. Each cluster has its own monitoring console, so you can dive deep into any issue that might be affecting your application, and quickly resolve issues as soon as they’re identified.

Custom Alerts

Create an unlimited number of alerts on any database metrics and customize your notification preferences.

Monitoring Console

Keep on top of your databases through the advanced Monitoring Console and save thousands in monitoring costs.

Slow Query Analysis

Analyze your database operations with the advanced debugging and tracking tool.

Job History

Review your job history any time from the console.

Monthly Reports

Get monthly reports sent right to your inbox so you can keep track of performance.

Index Usage Reports

Monitor your index growth with advanced index usage reports.


Stay in Control

Manage your clusters with freedom, flexibility, and absolute control. Your database management software is entirely private and operated by you, and you decide how much administrative authority you want to share with departments and teams. From SSL to firewalls, your data’s safety is our priority.

Superuser Access

Keep full superuser administrative access and control over your clusters.

SSH Root Access

Keep full SSH root access to the underlying machine to install custom agents.

IP Whitelists

Lock down access to your servers with IP whitelists at the cluster and account level.

Database Upgrades

Automate your database upgrades through a rolling operation with zero downtime.

24/7 Expert Support

Get access to 24/7 expert support from our database engineers with our different support packages.

Two-Factor Auth

Improve your security with two-factor authentication on your account.


Scale with Agility

Allow your clusters to scale with the same agility as your applications so you’re always prepared for workload changes or disaster recovery events. Geographically distribute your clusters with a few simple clicks so you can maintain exceptional uptime.

On-Demand Scaling

Scale the CPU, memory, and disk size (IOPS) of your servers with zero downtime.

Manage Nodes

Manage all of your nodes though one centralized management console.

Database Sharding

Distribute your data across different nodes with Redis® and MongoDB® database sharding for horizontal scalability.

Deploy Replicas

Customize the number of replicas and arbiters you deploy per cluster.

Clone Databases

Easily create new clones of your clusters from any of your backups.

Delete Clusters

Delete your clusters and all of its backups in a single click.

Powerful Results

Faster Troubleshooting
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Better Performance
0 %
Increased Security
0 %
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